by Joe Stein | Job Seeker Strategies
I read regularly on one of my social media feeds, someone venting because they have applied for “XXX” positions and have not had an interview or offer yet. This frustration also comes up regularly when I engage with job seekers regarding their search. For some reason,...
by Joe Stein | Resume Tips
When writing a resume, the initial goal is to draw the Recruiter into reading the document you have submitted. The next step is to then have this person identify you as a viable candidate for the open position you are seeking. So much effort is placed on the concept...
by Joe Stein | Interviewing
After an interview has been completed and the job seeker has returned home, the questions from friends and family will usually start coming in. It is generally the same question being asked, “How did the interview go?” When this question is asked, the job seeker...
by Joe Stein | Interviewing
Traditionally, the view of the job interview is that it is a way for an employer to evaluate the candidates for an open position. This view is traditionally one-sided in its vision, and it is all about what the Hiring Manager needs to get to a decision point. Of...
by Joe Stein | Interviewing
For many people, the thought of starting or participating in “small talk” is a nerve-wracking proposition. For those who have perhaps not heard the term before, “small talk” is a polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters, especially as engaged...