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- If you ARE Currently Employed, create a Confidential Profile that switches from Active Job Seeker to “Employed But…Open to Opportunities” to let potential employers know exactly what would make you switch jobs. (ie Pay, Benefits, Shorter Commute etc.) (Let potential employers seek you out confidentially!)

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EMPLOYED BUT….Open to Opportunities
NEW – create your own profile to manage and advance your career
CONFIDENTIAL PROFILES – to showcase your skills and experience
MAKE ME MOVE – let prospective employers know what they need to offer you to leave your current job.
CONFIDENTIAL RESPONSE – Employers will complete a form with their company name & contact information, which will be emailed to you confidentially from our website to your email.
Samples of professional profiles that employers will be able to search through:
Experience/Skills: Graduate of University of Rochester, with 2 years of experience in a hospital setting.
Make Me Move: A M-F weekday schedule. Making $20/hr. Batavia area.
Experience/Skills: Graduate of ECC Metalworkign program, with 3 years of experience operating a variety of CNC machines including Swiss Style. Ability to read and work from blueprints.
Make Me Move: I’m looking for 1st shift, at least $16/hr, preferably in Southtowns.
Experience/Skills: Graduate of MCC Optical Systems Technology program, with 8 years of precision optical manufacturing experience.
Make Me Move: An opportunity to work as a test technician. Making $40K per year. Rochester area.
Experience/Skills: 8 years of food service experience, with the last 4 as a line cook / trainer for a national restaurant chain.
Make Me Move: Full time position with benefits available. Pay of $14/hr. Advancement opportunities. Amherst area.