Job Searching During the Holidays

It is that time of year again; a period that many job seekers dread. It is the feared “Bermuda Triangle” of job searching…the holiday season. This time of year does not have to be so horrible. In fact because so many job seekers mistakenly “drop out” out of the...

Skilled Trades are In Demand

It is amazing how things have changed over the last couple of decades. For 20+ years many parents in WNY (and all of the United States for that matter) sought to direct their children to a college education and a professional type position. In today’s society, with...

Disclosing Your Side Hustle

All the studies seem to indicate that people holding multiple jobs continue to be on the rise. For example, a recent study by LinkedIn unveiled that almost 1/3rd of all U.S. employees work a side hustle gig for extra money. With the current economic environment of...

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Others for Help

It is human nature for people to want to do things for themselves. We are taught to be self-sufficient at an early age, and most of us are reluctant to ask for help. Unfortunately, this issue often extends to a job search and a person seeking to do it all on their...

Don’t Overthink Your Job Search

There is an old saying that goes “paralysis by analysis.” In other words, sometimes you just need to “do” something rather than continue to research, think, and debate about it. We have over analysis all around us in our lives. From the endless statistics in the...


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