by Joe Stein | Career Advice
The topic of employee “soft skills” would seem to be one worth revisiting on a periodic basis. It is an area that many Job Seekers struggle with since it does not focus on the objective items, such as your academic degree(s) or your years of experience in a role. By...
by Joe Stein | Job Seeker Strategies
For many, in today’s fast-paced world, having to fill out a job application is one of the most tedious exercises that a person can be required to complete. Job Seekers have been conditioned into thinking that quantity is the key, such as the more positions you apply...
by Joe Stein | Job Seeker Strategies
Whatever you want to call it…whether “minding manners”, showing “common courtesy”, or “doing unto others as you would have them do unto you”, the idea of behaving in a professional way is important while looking for or departing a position. Not only is it the right...
by Joe Stein | Job Seeker Strategies
With the start of the new year, we enter the dreaded “resolution season”. This is the time that we make a resolution to change something in our life for the better. These intensions are the reason that our advertisements are currently filled with home exercise...
by Joe Stein | Interviewing
As a Job Seeker, you have become accustomed to hearing about the razor thin margin between candidates. Inevitably, when you ask a Hiring Manager why you did not receive the position, you receive a general answer about how strong everyone was and how difficult it was...