Creating a Qualifications Summary

In the world of creating resumes, you would think that there wasn’t much left to change in the area of formatting. However, there is occasionally a new trend that bears watching and one of the newer ones is the creation of a Qualifications Summary. A Qualifications...

Building a Healthcare Resume

Resume creation can be a challenge for anyone, but particularly for those in Healthcare. This is due to the technical nature of many of their positions. Healthcare has become like most professions, where a Resume is considered a necessity during a job search. The...

Add Your Resume to the Spring Cleaning List

Spring in Western New York is a wonderful time of year, as we all resurface from the cold and snow of winter. In our area, Spring goes beyond just the budding of flowers and the chirping of birds, as it is also the time of year when we start to work on our chores that...

A Resume Should Not Be Just a Job Description

Resumes really have come a long way over the years.   They not only have evolved from a “nice to have” document to essential, but also the content has really changed. In its initial origins, the document was really just a recap of everything a person does…in essence,...

Why Attending a Job Fair Is Still Important

Some people who live on their computer may be surprised to learn that Job Fairs still exist and are even thriving. As you sit in front of your computer sending out your resume and passively waiting for a Recruiter to call, you may be wondering why you should even...


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