Eliminating Networking Fear

During these difficult economic times, networking is more important than ever (even thought it was always crucial). The limited quantity of positions available, along with the high cost of employment advertising (except for RochesterJobs.com) has made many of the job...

Are You Social Networking?

The Internet is such an amazing communication tool that if, you blink, you just may miss out on whatever is the latest craze. Just as surfing and downloading became common language vernacular, one of the latest to catch fire is using Social Networking in your job...

You Want The Job…Don’t Show It TOO Much!

The title of this column may seem a little odd to some. You may be asking yourself, what do you mean wanting it too much? How can you possibly want a new job too much? Especially when we are typically instructed to go after what we want. Of course, we want to...

You Don’t Have To Be Perfect

We have discussed in these pages, many times, how you have to interview well to obtain the position you are seeking.  There is still a lot of competition for most jobs, and your best effort is needed to determine who is selected.  What is not required by the Hiring...


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