Tell Me When You Overcame a Problem

(Frequently Asked Questions in an Interview) There are very few jobs where a person does not face any obstacles, problems, or issues during the course of the day. The real successful people are those who have the ability to accurately analyze the situation, seek the...

Tell Me about Yourself

This edition features a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) focused on an inquiry that is generally considered the ice breaker of interview questions. This question or request is almost always at the beginning of the interview in the form of the first question asked. It...

Take Accountability…Don’t Pass Blame

Employers are continuing the process of adjusting their interview style away from the very traditional review of your previous experience and job history, and more towards your behavior and motivation. As this has occurred, what Interviewers are looking for has...

Should I Tell Them and When?

One of the hardest things for a person to do is to keep a secret. We seem to have a natural inclination to want to tell people…family, co-workers, even strangers when and if we get lonely enough. What should you do, however, if this information is related to or could...

Selling Yourself in Job Interview

This is the aspect of the interview that usually results in cringes from a Job Seeker.  Many sigh when this topic is brought up and respond by saying, “But I am not going for a sales job”, or “I don’t like talking about myself in that way”.   The reality is selling...


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