by Joe Stein | Interviewing
In today’s world, Interviewers arrive at each interview expecting you to be fully prepared for each question that they expect to ask. While, for the Interviewer, it is nice to see that a candidate is ready for the interview this does not, however, allow them to see...
by Joe Stein | Interviewing
During the course of your interactions with a prospective employer, you will interact with several different individuals. Each person, to a varying degree, will have some influence regarding whether you are going to receive an offer rather than a regret. It is an ever...
by Joe Stein | Interviewing
The title of this week’s column may seem like a really curious one. What do you mean…Joe? An interview without questions…that is impossible! Well, sometimes a Job Seeker gets into this near impossible situation where a Hiring Manager just does not ask direct questions...
by Joe Stein | Interviewing
Many Job Seekers have the mistaken belief that participating in an interview is a one-way conversation. You are asked questions and you answer them. For the most part, however, the days of the dominant Interviewer is long gone and Hiring Managers expect you to ask...
by Joe Stein | Interviewing
Tom Petty once sang about how “the waiting is the hardest part”. He wasn’t referring to a job search when he penned this song, but he very well could have been. Job Seekers are often in a quandary regarding the start/stop and wait of a job search. This is especially...