Good Communication Works Both Ways

A common complaint from Job Seekers is the poor communication they experience from a prospective employer.  There is often a general feeling that Hiring Managers or Recruiters do not respond quickly enough or provide enough updates to the Job Seeker.  It can be a very...

Give More Than Yes/No Answers

Being interviewed can be a tough and stressful time…I know that…almost no one loves to do it! To a Job Seeker in an interview, it probably comes as a massive relief when the Hiring Manager asks what appears to be a very basic question. A question where the answer can...

Evaluating Your Potential New Boss

Many studies have shown that one of the primary reasons an employee decides to stay or leave a company is his//her relationship with the boss. A great relationship can help a person overlook issues, such as a longer commute or even a little less compensation. On the...


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