How Did You Hear About the Opening?

This Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) is often the opening question in an interview. Don’t, however, allow its simplicity to fool you. All questions are asked for a reason and play a role in your overall evaluation. This week, let’s review the ultimate “ice breaker”...

Handling Open-Ended Interview Questions

These are the type of interview questions that often completely frustrate a Job Seeker. When reflecting on the interview, the Interviewee will shake their head and ask themselves why didn’t they just ask what they really wanted to know? Why the indirect approach to...

Good Communication Works Both Ways

A common complaint from Job Seekers is the poor communication they experience from a prospective employer.  There is often a general feeling that Hiring Managers or Recruiters do not respond quickly enough or provide enough updates to the Job Seeker.  It can be a very...

Give More Than Yes/No Answers

Being interviewed can be a tough and stressful time…I know that…almost no one loves to do it! To a Job Seeker in an interview, it probably comes as a massive relief when the Hiring Manager asks what appears to be a very basic question. A question where the answer can...


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