When You Know You May Be Short-Term

Outline the For most Job Seekers, the focus is solely on finding a position that you hope to stay at for a long-term. Of course, in today’s world, the definition of long-term has changed from “having the same job to retirement” towards something that would probably be...

Selecting Your References

If you have reached the reference stage in the job search process, then things are looking up. Typically, if you are asked for references, this is a sign that you are the leading candidate or on a very short list for the job desired.  You should have already...

Explaining Why You Want to Work for a Company

A Hiring Manager is likely to ask you a variety of questions regarding your work experience and skills. You will probably be asked a number of questions regarding the open position and how you fit into the role. A job seeker also needs to be prepared to be asked why...

How to Help Make an Interview a Conversation

There is a lot of material out there for interviewers, to help them understand why a conversational type of interview is much more productive. The days of an interview being a one-way interrogation should be long over, but it still exists in many situations. A...

Immediate Signs the Interview Went Well

After an interview has been completed and the job seeker has returned home, the questions from friends and family will usually start coming in. It is generally the same question being asked, “How did the interview go?”  When this question is asked, the job seeker...

Use the Interview to Uncover a Bad Manager

Traditionally, the view of the job interview is that it is a way for an employer to evaluate the candidates for an open position. This view is traditionally one-sided in its vision, and it is all about what the Hiring Manager needs to get to a decision point. Of...


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