Each year, there are many Western New York healthcare professionals who decide to reenter the workforce and look to restart their career. The reasons someone departed can be very similar for people in any profession, such as providing care to children or an elderly parent, your own medical situation, or perhaps just wanting to step away for a bit from being a caregiver in the healthcare profession.

Whatever the reason for both your departure and for coming back, there is some unique aspects to reentering the healthcare field once you have been away for a little while.  Let’s examine, this week, what are some of the areas you might want to consider when thinking about a return.

• Confirm That the Timing is Right – Healthcare is a challenging profession with tremendous responsibility. It is imperative that you be engaged and reliable, in order to succeed in the role. Prior to diving back, fully evaluate the reasons why you departed and the timing of your rejoining. If applicable, have a family discussion to make sure your support group is onboard with your decision. Determine at what level you want to come back…number of hours, shift, overall responsibilities, etc. Make sure that your new employer and (even more importantly) your patients can count on you both physically and emotionally.

• Decide On What You Want To Do – This is an opportunity for you to start fresh, so you don’t necessarily have to just go back to doing exactly what you did before. This is especially true if you were not entirely satisfied with the job you had prior to leaving the workforce. You may want to try a different employer, or change your overall environment. If you currently have transferable healthcare skills, you could try a different related field. Now is the perfect chance to either reaffirm what you have always done or to try something new.

• Determine If You Have To Get Up To Date – Depending on your specialty in healthcare and the time you have been away, you may need to do some work before you start up again. Research what are the state requirements and then determine what (if anything) you need to do to be eligible again. Even if you are currently eligible, it would be wise to still explore some continuing education to see if you missed anything while you were gone. Once you land a position, you may want to explore what educational avenues are available to you via your new employer.

• Prepare Your Job Search – Just like anyone in your situation, there is some work to be done prior to applying for positions. Update your Resume and consider adding a brief explanation in your Cover Letter explaining your absence. Choose the level of detail regarding your absence that you are comfortable with sharing. Network by reconnecting with your former colleagues, especially the ones that you may have drifted away from while you were out. Let them know that you are rejoining the workforce and tell them you would appreciate any advice or job leads that they would be willing to provide. Depending on how long ago you have been out, it may have been awhile since you have been on an interview.  Practice some mock interviewing with a friend or family member. Pick someone that will provide you with constructive feedback afterwards.

• Focus on Certain Companies – Some organizations may want to bring you in at the external entry level wage rate and not factor in your previous work experience. Consider focusing on the companies that will recognize and appreciate what you will bring to the organization.

• Set Reasonable Goals – One of the keys to a good transition back is not to become frustrated upon your return if you need a little time to get back into the swing of things. There most likely will be a bit of an adjustment period as you get used to being back at work and become acclimated to processes and equipment. Just reassure yourself that with each day progress will be made and you will be closer to the productivity and quality levels you have become accustomed to providing.

The healthcare world is always looking for dedicated and experienced professionals. If you previously had a good work record, you will probably find yourself welcomed back with open arms. By reviewing the list above, you can ensure that the decision and the transition back to work goes smoothly for you.

As always, best of luck in your job search.

The following has been prepared for the general information of RochesterJobs readers. It is not meant to provide advice with respect to any specific legal or policy matter and should not be acted upon without verification by the reader.

Joe Stein
WNY Human Resources Professional

Feel free to contact Joe Stein regarding questions or comments at:
Joe Stein


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