by Joe Stein | Career Advice
You may have seen the advertisements in for Home Healthcare professionals and wondered if this career is right for you. Whether you are currently in the healthcare field or someone who is thinking about joining, it takes a special person to do this...
by Joe Stein | Job Seeker Strategies
We often receive questions from local job seekers, either online or at Job Fairs or other events that WNYJOBS sponsors. Surprisingly, one of the questions we are asked the most is how someone with a criminal record can obtain the job they are seeking. If you...
by Joe Stein | Job Search Preparation
A growing trend in job search strategy is the emergence of employer reviews found on a variety of internet websites. These posted reviews are designed to provide job seekers an inside peek into how an employer is viewed on a variety of topics such as compensation,...
by Joe Stein | Employed But Looking
The title of this week’s column may seem like blasphemy to some readers. The idea that the current dissatisfaction with your employer may be, to some degree, due to your own actions or thoughts just can’t be true. Unfortunately, this just may be the case. It very well...
by Joe Stein | Job Search Preparation
In your job search, it is important to “sweat the details”. Important in these details is your e-mail. While how you handle your e-mail is not likely to win you the new job, it can certainly cost you a position. For our youngest readers, e-mail may seem like...