by Joe Stein | Career Advice
If you are like most, you probably find it uncomfortable talking about yourself and any achievements that have occurred. The reality is that a very important career skill that a person can have is the ability to self-promote themselves while not appearing to...
by Joe Stein | Career Advice
Over the years in this column we have reviewed many professional-level positions and the job search techniques needed to land those jobs. One of the areas not discussed as often are the Skilled Trades. These positions require unique skills and are considered among the...
by Joe Stein | Career Advice
There are many positions that can be filed under the umbrella of the skilled trades. Among the positions are those in automotive, manufacturing (ex. a machinist), HVAC, building trades, and welding. These types of positions can also be referred to as “blue collar”,...
by Joe Stein | Career Advice
There has been so much written and discussed, over the last few years, regarding the benefits of remote working, especially when it is done from home. There is no denying that there is an opportunity to improve work-life-balance while saving money on incidentals such...
by Joe Stein | Career Advice
The subject of this week’s article will be a bit different than most that have been written. Typically, the focus of our column is slanted towards those individuals who are either trying to decide whether to seek new employment, or are in the job search process. This...