Culture Fit is Critical

Job Seekers focus on a number of items when evaluating opportunities during his/her job search. It is easy to focus on the most obvious tangible items such as pay, benefits, schedule, and commute. Some Job Seekers will even take their evaluation a step further, by...

Selecting Your References

If you have reached the reference stage in the job search process, then things are looking up. Typically, if you are asked for references, this is a sign that you are the leading candidate or on a very short list for the job desired.  You should have already...

Is a Side Hustle in Your Future?

For many in Western New York, the high inflation we have faced in 2022 has significantly impacted us. For some people, it has meant changing spending habits, dipping into savings, or simply doing without, as they focus on expenses. With the long-term forecast not...

Explaining Why You Want to Work for a Company

A Hiring Manager is likely to ask you a variety of questions regarding your work experience and skills. You will probably be asked a number of questions regarding the open position and how you fit into the role. A job seeker also needs to be prepared to be asked why...

Build Yourself a Career Cushion

The latest in a long string of work-related catch phrases is the term “career cushioning”. It is actually a fancy term for something that most of us have been advocating for a long time. The term relates to continuing to do a job search and exploring new work...


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