Successful Small Talk

For many people, the thought of starting or participating in “small talk” is a nerve-wracking proposition. For those who have perhaps not heard the term before, “small talk” is a polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters, especially as engaged...

Staying Local is the Smart Move

If you are like most job seekers your job search focus is relegated to inside the Western/Central New York area.  Western and Central New Yorkers tend to love the area and would not even think of relocating.  Even more specifically, you are probably limiting...

Thinking of a Return to Healthcare?

Each year, there are many Western New York healthcare professionals who decide to reenter the workforce and look to restart their career. The reasons someone departed can be very similar for people in any profession, such as providing care to children or an elderly...

Stop the “Quiet Quitting”

It seems like there is always some new social media craze that results in people doing something that they would otherwise have better judgment. Generally, these activities result in people doing something to try to obtain public attention. There is, however, a new...


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