by Joe Stein | Networking
It is human nature for people to want to do things for themselves. We are taught to be self-sufficient at an early age, and most of us are reluctant to ask for help. Unfortunately, this issue often extends to a job search and a person seeking to do it all on their...
by Joe Stein | Job Seeker Strategies
There is an old saying that goes “paralysis by analysis.” In other words, sometimes you just need to “do” something rather than continue to research, think, and debate about it. We have over analysis all around us in our lives. From the endless statistics in the...
by Joe Stein | Interviewing
Humility is an important and desired character trait, especially for those who are in (or seeking) leadership positions. The formal book definition of this word is “to be free of pride or arrogance.” For a leader, having humility frees them from the constraints of...
by Joe Stein | Career Advice
While the best things in life may be “free” (family, friends, etc.), the reality is that we all need money…lots of money. This seems to be especially true in today’s world, as we have faced some economic challenges that we have not experienced for a while. When you...
by Joe Stein | Job Search Preparation
We all would like to make as much money as possible in the job we are working. A person is somewhat limited, however, in their current role as we are usually relegated (outside of a major promotion) to an annual merit increase. An optimal time then to maximize your...