Balancing the Past, Present, and Future

Technology is moving at such a rapid pace where a PDA from a few years ago is now completely obsolete while IPad Tablets are the latest craze. A job search is one activity that always appears to be in a constant struggle between using the activities that have proven...

2020 Edition Don’t Do It!

It is the annual article that basically writes itself, but I wish it didn’t. In what has now become a new calendar year tradition, this week we have the 2020 edition of “Don’t Do It!” For those few unfamiliar with the “Don’t Do It” concept, a brief overview (or...

Conducting a Year-End Career Review

As we are rapidly approaching the end of the year and the close of 2014, we are swamped with year-end retrospectives. Everywhere you turn there is a list of the top news stories, movies, CDs, etc. of the year as people take a look back before jumping forward into...


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