by Joe Stein | Job Search Preparation
I have been providing job search tips on the pages of for 25+ years. During those years, I sincerely hope that the guidance provided has assisted many of our readers in finding new positions. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of work to be done...
by Joe Stein | Job Seeker Strategies
In many situations, a candidate’s first direct contact with an organization will be with a company recruiter. This person’s job is to accumulate interested job candidates for the open position(s) of the company. A recruiter can do this by placing posting ads in places...
by Joe Stein | Job Seeker Strategies
Everybody has opinions. Especially when it involves giving advice to people seeking employment. You can’t open up a paper or surf a Website without coming across multiple “experts” all professing that they hold the secret to finding employment. I will digress for a...
by Joe Stein | Job Seeker Strategies
In most situations, persistence is considered a good thing and ultimately results in something positive occurring. If you keep doing something over and over again, eventually you should get better at what you are doing and may actually master the activity....
by Joe Stein | Interviewing
As if being pregnant is not enough of a challenge for a person, imagine also being pregnant while conducting a job search. It seems to be like taking a near impossible task and making it that much more difficult. This is especially true because most pregnant job...