Accelerating the Hiring Decision

One of the biggest complaints I hear from job seekers is the length of time the hiring process sometimes takes. You would think (with the tight labor market) employers would not delay, but that is often not the case. It is also natural for a candidate to be a little...

Successfully Reapplying to a Company

Sometimes the old adage of “don’t take no for an answer” can pay off, especially when it comes to your job search. For many job seekers, they may think erroneously that you only receive one attempt to get hired by a company. They believe that once you have been...

Stay Honest with Your Resume

You hear and read a lot about ethics in the workplace. Large companies will have entire departments focused on the subject and, at the very least, virtually all employers have some type of policy regarding the topic. Most business relationships are built, at least...

Creating a Resume for ATS Screening

It was not that long ago that you could count on an actual human being to physically review your resume to determine your candidacy. In the past, you would not necessarily expect it to be a long read, but a person would need to look at your qualifications and...


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