Using Text in Your Job Search!

One of the growing trends for Recruiters is the use of text during the job search process. Texting candidates allows the Recruiter to quickly and easily make contact with a person. While this method of communication may seem natural (and perhaps long overdue) for some...

Reimagining the Job Numbers Game

As much as I can enjoy the connectivity of business social media, it can be heart wrenching to read the posts from connections who are currently seeking work. They generally all start the same way…”I have sent out hundreds of resumes…” The concept of job seeking being...

Use Time Between Jobs Wisely

Many years ago, I wrote about not falling under the spell of thinking your unemployment is an excuse for an extended “vacation” from work. This is especially true if it is the summer or holiday season and you have severance, unemployment, or even some savings to tide...

Hot Tips for a Summer Job Search

The weather is finally turning warmer in WNY and we are settling into weather forecast routine. For those of you reading this issue of WNYJOBS, the summer means more than picnics, sun, and mowing lawn; it also means searching for new employment. The summer is...

Listen to Your Parents… Sometimes!

Some of the most dangerous words in the English language are those that represent an absolute, such as always, everybody, nobody, or never. Rarely is this actually how things are truly reflected and usually something in-between is correct. A major daily newspaper in...


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