Job Search Articles and Advice

Joe Stein
Human Resource Professional
The following has been prepared for the general information of visitors. It is not meant to provide advice with respect to any specific legal or policy matter and should not be acted upon without verification by the reader. All articles are owned by Jobs Weekly, Inc. and may not be reproduced in print or on another website without prior written consent.
Job / Career Topics

Can They Ask That?
I am sure a large portion of the readership of at some point in their Job Search life has asked the...
Show Some Humility in the Interview
Humility is an important and desired character trait, especially for those who are in (or seeking) leadership...
Explaining Why You’re Leaving Your Job
There are many questions that you are likely to be asked during an interview. They are so universal that you can...
Guide to Job Interviewing While Pregnant
As if being pregnant is not enough of a challenge for a person, imagine also being pregnant while conducting a job...
Show Them You’re Motivated
With the advent of behavior based interviewing and other like methods, interviewers have tried to expose the hiring...
Accelerating the Hiring Decision
One of the biggest complaints I hear from job seekers is the length of time the hiring process sometimes takes. You...
Improving Your Interview Communication Skills
Nerves, if not managed properly, can prove fatal to an individual’s job search, especially during the interview. It is...
Expressing What You Learned From Your Mistakes
There are many questions that an interviewer might present to you during the course of an interview. While perhaps not...
Highlighting Your Own Interpersonal Skills
It is common to hear from Hiring Managers about how close the finalists were for an open position. Often, the feedback...
When You Know You May Be Short-Term
Outline the For most Job Seekers, the focus is solely on finding a position that you hope to stay at for a long-term....
Selecting Your References
If you have reached the reference stage in the job search process, then things are looking up. Typically, if you are...
Explaining Why You Want to Work for a Company
A Hiring Manager is likely to ask you a variety of questions regarding your work experience and skills. You will...
How to Help Make an Interview a Conversation
There is a lot of material out there for interviewers, to help them understand why a conversational type of interview...
Immediate Signs the Interview Went Well
After an interview has been completed and the job seeker has returned home, the questions from friends and family will...
Use the Interview to Uncover a Bad Manager
Traditionally, the view of the job interview is that it is a way for an employer to evaluate the candidates for an...
Successful Small Talk
For many people, the thought of starting or participating in “small talk” is a nerve-wracking proposition. For those...
The Night Before the Job Interview
There is perhaps nothing more nerve wracking than the night before a big job interview. If it is truly a position that...
Warming Up to the Ice Breaker
An experienced job seeker will know the tone of the interview after the initial greeting between the Hiring Manager...
How and When to Ask for Job Search Feedback
A common frustration of job seekers who have received some rejection during their search, is the lack of feedback...
Interview Question Changes Since COVID-19
Core interviews have been pretty consistent since the introduction of behavior-based interview questions a couple of...
Show That You Are Reliable And Can Be Counted On
In towns all over Western New York, there are employers struggling to stay open or complete available work due to...
Sound Like a Leader
For those seeking a position leading others, there is more to securing this type of role than just having previous...
Sound More Confident in Your Interview
We all know how important the interview is in the hiring process. Beyond your resume, cover letter, and phone screen...
Preparing For Your Second Interview
From a job seeker perspective, a prospective employer would be at an offer decision after the first interview. While...
Make a Lasting Positive Impression
As a Job Seeker, you have become accustomed to hearing about the razor thin margin between candidates. Inevitably,...
Use of Video Interview During Covid-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a challenging situation for Job Seekers over the last six months. Luckily, the trend...
You Want The Job…Don’t Show It TOO Much!
The title of this column may seem a little odd to some. You may be asking yourself, what do you mean wanting it too...
You Don’t Have To Be Perfect
We have discussed in these pages, many times, how you have to interview well to obtain the position you are seeking. ...
Why Is The Position Open? (Questions for the Interviewer)
Over the last couple of years, we have regularly examined what are the most frequently asked questions that a Hiring...
Why Are You Leaving Your Current Job?
At some point in the Phone Screen or Interview, probably towards the beginning, you will provide a brief review of...
Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years? (Frequently Asked Questions in an Interview)
In this edition of the Frequently Asked Questions series we will examine a popular goal question…”Where Do You See...
When You Are Given a “Homework” Assignment
For some employers, the traditional phone screen and interview process is not enough information for them. They...
When Can You Start?
For some Interviewers, this question is merely a matter of routine because they ask it of all interviewed candidates...
What You Say & How You Say It!
Recently I had an interesting conversation with a Human Resource Professional who happened to be playing the role of...
What Would Others Say?
Today we will explore a question that I almost always ask when conducting an interview…”What Would Others Say about...
What to Write In a Thank You E-Mail
Perhaps it is just the change of societal norms, but there seems to be a belief that sending your Interviewer a thank...
What To Expect In a Skilled Trade Interview
The actual interview is an area where candidates probably do not place enough attention on when seeking a skilled...
What to Do When Waiting
We have had it drilled into our heads to arrive early for an interview. So, a prepared job seeker will plan out their...
What To Do When In An Uncomfortable Situation or Asked an Unusual Question
A Job Seeker is wired to prepare for questions, situations, and assessments that are directly related to the position...
What to Bring to Your Interview
I am a person who believes in preparation and in order to assist me with this, I prepare lists to follow. Prior to a...
What Should You Ask In the Interview?
Traditionally when you are at the end of an interview the tables are reversed and it is your turn to ask any questions...
What Motivates You? (Frequently Asked Questions in an Interview)
As we continue our series examining the questions Interviewers most frequently ask, we will, this time, focus on “What...
What is a Typical Day or Week? (Questions for the Interviewer)
An underrated but crucial part of any interview is the time allotted to the Job Seeker to ask questions of the person...
What If You Don’t Know the Answer?
As a savvy Job Seeker, you know that it is important to anticipate what questions you may be asked, prepare your...
What Do You Like To Do Outside of Work? (Frequently Asked Interview Questions)
In the continuation of the series focused on “frequently asked interview questions”, today we break down a question...
What Do You Know About The Organization?
“What Do You Know about the Organization?” is a question that many Interviewers will ask a candidate. If it is not...
What Can I Tell You About My Qualifications? (Questions for the Interviewer)
There are a number of reasons to ask questions during an interview. Sometimes the reason is obvious, such as to gather...
What Are Your Deal Breakers?
(Frequently Asked Questions in an Interview) In this issue, we focus on one of my favorite questions as an...
Using Humor in a Job Interview
Since the origin of the job interview, using humor has traditionally been considered a big chance not worth...
Understanding the Segments of an Interview
Once you have crossed the hurdle of generating positive attention with your Cover Letter and Resume, most positions...
The Secret to Enjoying Your Interview
I hope that the title for this weeks’ article did not cause anyone to faint in disbelief. For many Job Seekers, the...
The Many Reasons to Go on That Interview
Interviewing is generally not a lot of fun (I know…he can really state the obvious). The process of having to be...
The Dreaded “Homework Assignment”
With school back in session across Western New York, most students are spending weeknights with their head down...
Tell Me When You Overcame a Problem
(Frequently Asked Questions in an Interview) There are very few jobs where a person does not face any obstacles,...
Tell Me about Yourself
This edition features a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) focused on an inquiry that is generally considered the ice...
Take Accountability…Don’t Pass Blame
Employers are continuing the process of adjusting their interview style away from the very traditional review of your...
Should I Tell Them and When?
One of the hardest things for a person to do is to keep a secret. We seem to have a natural inclination to want to...
Selling Yourself in Job Interview
This is the aspect of the interview that usually results in cringes from a Job Seeker. Many sigh when this topic is...
Read Your Body Language
A number of years ago, I wrote about the importance of your body language in conveying the message you desire (you can...
Phone Screen Preparation Tips
Phone interviews can be a real challenge. During an in-person interview, a Job Seeker relies on so many senses beyond...
Passing the Psychological Test
It is quite common, after an offer, to have to undergo some testing (such as a drug screen or a background check)...
Making the Best of a “Bad” Interviewer
We have all been there, at one point or another, in our working career. You are in an interview that you have been...
Make the Best First Impression!
Making a great first impression is a crucial part of your job search. Why? Because changing a person’s or company’s...
Make It Easy for the Hiring Manager
A national office supply company has made its marketing campaign around it for years…the concept of the “easy button”....
Keep Your Emotions “In Check” During the Interview
It is easy to become (or feel) emotionally raw while being interviewed. The stress of finding a new job (or even worse...
Keep Calm Stay Professional!
I don’t know if you have been caught up in the craze the last couple of years, but it has been hard not to see the...
It May Not Be You!
For some, it may be the “luck of the draw”, or a failure to acknowledge holes in a persons’ job search. For others,...
It Is Important To Say No Professionally
It would be almost impossible to go through your entire job search without saying “No” at some point to a prospective...
Interviewer Tricks to Get You to Relax
In today’s world, Interviewers arrive at each interview expecting you to be fully prepared for each question that they...
Impress Each Decision Maker
During the course of your interactions with a prospective employer, you will interact with several different...
How to Handle an Interview without Questions
The title of this week’s column may seem like a really curious one. What do you mean…Joe? An interview without...
How to Get Over Any Awkwardness and Ask Questions
Many Job Seekers have the mistaken belief that participating in an interview is a one-way conversation. You are asked...
How Long to Wait?
Tom Petty once sang about how “the waiting is the hardest part”. He wasn’t referring to a job search when he penned...
How Long Have You Been Looking For Another Position?
(Frequently Asked Questions in an Interview) There are some interview questions that deal directly with assessing the...
How Is the Company Performing? (Questions for the Interviewer)
There are many questions that are considered standards, in that I mean they are asked year-after-year and really are...
How Do You React to Change?
Ongoing change has become commonplace in today’s work environment. The days where you could often do the same thing...
How Do You Handle Rejection?
This edition features a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) focused on an inquiry that is an absolute staple of any sales...
How Do I Know It Went Well?
The time between the interview and when you hear from a prospective employer can be an excruciating experience for a...
How Did You Hear About the Opening?
This Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) is often the opening question in an interview. Don’t, however, allow its...
Hiring for Attitude: How to Succeed in an Attitude Interview
In 2012, we are entering a whole different era of interviewing. The focus is shifting away from skills and...

Job Seeker Strategies
Get the New Year Started Right
It is hard to believe another year has passed and, if you are in the job search mode, the time is right to review your...
Job Searching During the Holidays
It is that time of year again; a period that many job seekers dread. It is the feared “Bermuda Triangle” of job...
Don’t Overthink Your Job Search
There is an old saying that goes “paralysis by analysis.” In other words, sometimes you just need to “do” something...
Avoid Causing Delays in Finding a New Job
If you are someone seeking a new job, then the end result of an offer letter and confirmed start date can’t come soon...
Protect Yourself from Rising Recruitment Scams
As if a job seeker did not have enough items on their mind, comes news from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of the...
Uncovering the Company Recruiter Myths
In many situations, a candidate’s first direct contact with an organization will be with a company recruiter. This...
Match Your Job Search With You
Everybody has opinions. Especially when it involves giving advice to people seeking employment. You can’t open up a...
Should You Keep Applying for the Same Job?
In most situations, persistence is considered a good thing and ultimately results in something positive occurring. If...
It is Important to Know Your Applicant Rights!
There are laws that serve to protect job applicants during the recruiting and hiring process for when something does...
Seek Results and Not Just Activity
It may seem odd, but an open position for an employer and a job search for an applicant often have a curious...
How to Use Social Media to Your Advantage
There is so much debate regarding social media and its proper place in society. It seems like, at times, too much...
Dialing the Right Level of Self-Promotion
What is that old line that people will say? Something about “everything in moderation”. This statement is usually made...
Stay Busy During this Holiday Season
The holiday season can be a whirlwind period of activity involving family, shipping, cooking/baking, etc. If you have...
Successfully Reapplying to a Company
Sometimes the old adage of “don’t take no for an answer” can pay off, especially when it comes to your job search. For...
Veterans: Use Your Particular Set of Work Skills
It is an unfortunate reality that some employers do not recognize how valuable hiring veterans can be for their...
Using Text in Your Job Search!
One of the growing trends for Recruiters is the use of text during the job search process. Texting candidates allows...
Reimagining the Job Numbers Game
As much as I can enjoy the connectivity of business social media, it can be heart wrenching to read the posts from...
Use Time Between Jobs Wisely
Many years ago, I wrote about not falling under the spell of thinking your unemployment is an excuse for an extended...
Hot Tips for a Summer Job Search
The weather is finally turning warmer in WNY and we are settling into weather forecast routine. For those of you...
Listen to Your Parents… Sometimes!
Some of the most dangerous words in the English language are those that represent an absolute, such as always,...
Overcoming Your Criminal Record
We often receive questions from local job seekers, either online or at Job Fairs or other events that WNYJOBS...
What To Do After Being Rejected From Your Dream Job
It is difficult to not get ahead of yourself during your job search. This is especially true when you are pursuing...
Connecting with the Hiring Manager
The Hiring Manager is usually the person that an open position reports to and is ultimately responsible for the...
The Downside to Mass Applying for Positions
I read regularly on one of my social media feeds, someone venting because they have applied for “XXX” positions and...
Staying Local is the Smart Move
If you are like most job seekers your job search focus is relegated to inside the Western/Central New York area. ...
Be Alert to Possible Job Posting “Red Flags”
A job posting carries a wealth of information for a job seeker. Unfortunately, most readers only focus on the concept...
Reviewing the Company Culture
The term “company culture” has skyrocketed in importance over the last couple of decades. It seems like with COVID-19...
Stay Safe When Job Searching Online
I don’t know if things have been the same for you, but I have noticed increasingly random e-mails and social media...
Finding Part Time Jobs in 2022
In this column, we traditionally focus on full-time jobs that are more suited for someone who is career oriented....
Don’t Let Them Count Your Age Against You
It really is sad. There is so much focus on making sure that employers do not discriminate for a wide variety of...

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Others for Help
It is human nature for people to want to do things for themselves. We are taught to be self-sufficient at an early...
Start Networking !
Networking is the process of obtaining job leads, contact names and company information from business colleagues,...
Why Attending a Job Fair Is Still Important
Some people who live on their computer may be surprised to learn that Job Fairs still exist and are even thriving. As...
Eliminating Networking Fear
During these difficult economic times, networking is more important than ever (even thought it was always...
Don’t Take Any Assistance or Opportunity For Granted
I recently was conducting some interviews and connected with someone I had known previously. While it was great...
Are You Social Networking?
The Internet is such an amazing communication tool that if, you blink, you just may miss out on whatever is the latest...

Resume Tips
Don’t Submit an Outdated Looking Resume
When submitting your resume to a prospective employer, you want the reader to focus on your experience, skills, and...
Selecting the Right Resume Font
The writing of a professional looking resume does not have to be complicated. It also does not need to be expensive,...
Highlight Your Skill Set
Over the last several years, the “Objective Statement” has been gradually replaced by a “Summary of Skills or...
Debunking the Myths of References
References, just like an Offer Letter, seem to have received a negative perception over the last ten years. There are...
Keywords and Skills to Insert in Your Resume
Your resume is the gateway to a company’s recruiter and/or hiring manager. Unfortunately, you may have to go through...
Stay Honest with Your Resume
You hear and read a lot about ethics in the workplace. Large companies will have entire departments focused on the...
Creating a Resume for ATS Screening
It was not that long ago that you could count on an actual human being to physically review your resume to determine...
Presenting Education on Your Resume
The education section probably should be one of the easiest areas to write about, but traditionally can prove to be...
How to Use Numbers in Your Job Search
It is common for Job Seekers to hear from others that they need to incorporate numbers in their Cover Letter and/or...
Quickly Customize Your Resume
To virtually all Job Seekers, the concept of editing your basic generic resume to better reflect the requirements of...
Make Your Resume More Readable
When writing a resume, the initial goal is to draw the Recruiter into reading the document you have submitted. The...
Formatting Your Resume
A resume is a written document that a job applicant creates to outline their qualifications for a position. This...
How to Be a Better Proofreader
In so many of my advice articles, I have referenced the need to have error-free documents. Whether it is your Cover...
Best & Worst Terms to Use in Your Resume
The resume is often the first impression a Job Seeker provides to a Recruiter or Hiring Manager during the selection...
Writing Your Post-College Resume
Recent college graduates have a particular challenge in constructing their Resume since they typically have limited...
Writing That First Resume
Whether you are a recent graduate, starting your first job search in a long time due to layoff, or just a person who...
Writing a Human Services Resume
While most Human Service positions are still driven off of a company application, it has now become standard practice...
Write Your Resume in Plain Language
We all know that your Resume is one of the most important documents you will ever write. Unless you write for a...
Why Would You Not Send a Cover Letter?
This is a pet peeve of mine that rears its ugly head every few years for me. The topic is the Cover Letter and why it...
What is the Ideal Resume Length?
This is one of the more interesting arguments in the job search world, as there are typically two very distinct points...
Understanding the Approach of a Human Resume Reader
The job of a Resume is to attract enough interest so that you can obtain a phone or in-person interview. What is...
Not On Your Resume!
Your resume is often the first introduction you will have to a Recruiter for a position. After providing the document...
Keywords are Important
If you are someone who spends time on the Internet, then you are probably familiar with the term “keywords”. For...
How Much Is Too Much? (History in Your Resume)
When writing a resume, the area that possibly causes the most stress to a job seeker is the work history section. It...
Getting Started on Your Resume
It is a procrastinator's nightmare…writing a resume. It is probably one of the least enjoyable tasks that a person...
Get Your Resume Read
For many Job Seekers, it is the biggest challenge facing their job search - getting their resume read. A person may...
Don’t Believe the Cover Letter Demise!
Over the last month, I was spending significant time performing a search for an executive level position. As I...
Creating a Qualifications Summary
In the world of creating resumes, you would think that there wasn’t much left to change in the area of...
Building a Healthcare Resume
Resume creation can be a challenge for anyone, but particularly for those in Healthcare. This is due to the technical...
Add Your Resume to the Spring Cleaning List
Spring in Western New York is a wonderful time of year, as we all resurface from the cold and snow of winter. In our...

Job Search Preparation
Be Sure to Evaluate the Benefits
Finding a new job can be a stressful and challenging process. It may seem like almost a miracle when there is mutual...
Don’t Be Bothered by the Annoying Parts of a Job Search
Anyone who has conducted a job search has had to deal with some of the really annoying parts of the process. I am sure...
Determining Your Compensation Worth
We all would like to make as much money as possible in the job we are working. A person is somewhat limited, however,...
Don’t Do It! (2024 Edition)
I have been providing job search tips on the pages of for 25+ years. During those years, I sincerely hope...
Focus On What You Can Control
The stress of conducting a job search can become overwhelming to someone trying to find new employment. This can...
Using AI in Your Job Search
The world and technology have surely changed in the 25+ years, that we have been sharing job search tips on these...
Go Beyond the Job Title
Probably the quickest and easiest way to review positions is to scan the Job Titles of the openings that are...
Using Your Transferable Skills to Transition Into Healthcare
Many people in the Greater Rochester area think about a career in Healthcare, but struggle with how to get started,...
Should You Read Those Employer Reviews?
A growing trend in job search strategy is the emergence of employer reviews found on a variety of internet websites....
“Clean Up” Your Email
In your job search, it is important to “sweat the details”. Important in these details is your e-mail. While how you...
Don’t Be Scared to Start Your Job Search
For so many of us, fear is preventing the implementation of some type of change in our lives. There is probably...
Preparing for an Upcoming Job Fair
For most job seekers, attending a job fair is definitely still a viable option to consider. This is especially true if...
Balance Your Career with a Summer Job Search
As most of you have probably heard, we are in the midst of a period that has been termed the “great...
Career Preparation Key for College Students
We are now well into late stages of the college semester and the traditional May graduation time period. So, it seems...
Show That You Are Reliable And Can Be Counted On
In towns all over Western New York, there are employers struggling to stay open or complete available work due to...
Consider Quickly Sharpening Your Skills
So often the margin between whether you receive a job offer or it goes to another candidate is razor thin. This may be...
Give Your Reputation a Turbo Boost
So often, the difference between candidates is a razor thin margin. The final candidates from the talent pool...
Should You Focus On a Remote Position During Your Covid Job Search?
Over the course of the last several months, the COVID-19 virus has forced many workers to their homes in order to...
Study the Job Description
There are many resources available to a Job Seeker that may be used to gain a competitive advantage over the...
Knowledge is Power
The art of job searching certainly appears to be more planful and sophisticated each year. It was not too long ago...
Combine Process With Your Soft Skills
The Job Search process really contains both a process or procedure piece along with your soft skills. Unfortunately,...
10 Traits of the Savvy Job Seeker
Despite the improvements in the job market here in WNY, there is still the need for both strategy and skill during a...

Career Advice
Watch What You Post on Professional Social Media
Social media can play a critical role in professional/business communications. The various websites and apps serve as...
Skilled Trades are In Demand
It is amazing how things have changed over the last couple of decades. For 20+ years many parents in WNY (and all of...
Disclosing Your Side Hustle
All the studies seem to indicate that people holding multiple jobs continue to be on the rise. For example, a recent...
Maximizing Your Compensation: All Signs Point to New Employer
While the best things in life may be “free” (family, friends, etc.), the reality is that we all need money…lots of...
Are You the Management Type?
For many people working as an individual contributor, going into a management position is the ultimate career goal. It...
Are They Financially Stable?
There are so many things to consider when a person is thinking of changing jobs. Things like the new role, what will...
When to Consider Turning Down a Promotion
For some of you, the header to this week’s advice may seem almost sacrilegious…why would someone turn down a...
Should You Accept a “Dry” Promotion?
For most organizations, one of the largest sources of expense is related to labor costs. Companies are constantly...
Warming Up Your “Cold Feet”
With the winters we have here in Western New York, we are all familiar with having “cold feet”. The subject of today’s...
Actively Managing Your Career
It wasn’t that long ago that a worker generally stayed with one company their entire lifetime. Their career...
Evaluating a Career in Home Healthcare
You may have seen the advertisements in for Home Healthcare professionals and wondered if this...
Promoting Your Own Career
If you are like most, you probably find it uncomfortable talking about yourself and any achievements that have...
Landing a Skilled Trade Position
Over the years in this column we have reviewed many professional-level positions and the job search techniques needed...
A Career in the Skilled Trades
There are many positions that can be filed under the umbrella of the skilled trades. Among the positions are those in...
Take Advantage When in the Office
There has been so much written and discussed, over the last few years, regarding the benefits of remote working,...
Benefits to Staying with a Company Long-Term
The subject of this week’s article will be a bit different than most that have been written. Typically, the focus of...
Culture Fit is Critical
Job Seekers focus on a number of items when evaluating opportunities during his/her job search. It is easy to focus on...
Thinking of a Return to Healthcare?
Each year, there are many Western New York healthcare professionals who decide to reenter the workforce and look to...
Learn New Skills with Paid Training
It is, unfortunately, fairly common for job seekers to self-deselect themselves from positions because they are...
Financial Considerations Prior to Resignation
It is a simplistic belief that all you need to consider prior to resigning, is how to tell your Manager. This is an...
Take Advantage of the “Great Resignation” Phenomenon
You may have read or heard about the current concept of the “great resignation” but wondered what it is all about....
Careers in Manufacturing & Maintenance
This week we will dive a little deeper within two of the more popular areas by examining positions in Manufacturing...
Don’t Be a Ghost!
Something very scary is occurring in many job searches. It hasn’t quite drawn...
Make it a Successful Move to WNY
It’s that time of the year where the chillier weather means much more than just the start of the winter season. We are...
Going Back to School: Choosing a Bachelor’s Degree
For some individuals, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused them to reflect on their...
You Can Find a Job as a High School Graduate
It can be easy, sometimes, for a High School graduate to feel down as it pertains to his/her job search. All a person...
Five reasons why now is the best time to go back to work
...and leave Unemployment Insurance behind. Many employers are now desperate to hire help as they try to reopen and...
What are the Soft Skills Most in Demand?
The topic of employee “soft skills” would seem to be one worth revisiting on a periodic basis. It is an area that many...
Unhappy? Leave Before You Become Disruptive
In today’s COVID-19 world, there are a lot of reasons for all of us to be unhappy, ranging from the semi-quarantine to...
Reinvent Yourself During the COVID-19 Pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues deep into 2020, the situation should cause many Job Seekers to pause and consider a...

After the Offer
Before You Say Yes… Identifying a Toxic Employee Culture
We all know that money and benefits are critical core factors for employment. If we are not going to be paid or...
Reneging on an Accepted Job Offer
It used to be that once a job seeker accepted an offer, it was almost guaranteed they would be starting in the...
Stay Professional During the Offer Process
It may seem strange, but in my career, some of the most unprofessional behavior I have witnessed from a candidate has...
How to Make the Decision on Accepting an Offer Easier
For some people, decision-making comes natural to them. For most of us, it can be a difficult challenge. We stress...
Are You OK Being the Second Choice?
Of course, we all want to be the first choice of somebody, whether the situation is picking teams in athletics, or in...
Next Steps After the Salary Offer Is Too Low
Receiving a lower than expected salary offer is supposed to happen less often with the implementation of state...
Succeeding At a New Job!
As a savvy Job Seeker, you are currently using to land that dream job. What many Job Seekers forget...
Evaluating An Offer Letter
For many job seekers the conclusion of a strenuous recruitment process is the receipt of an Offer Letter. All the oral...
Counter Offer Guidance
I recently had a person come to me in a dilemma seeking some career advice.They had just been formally recognized for...
Declining a Job Offer
Do You Need to Decline a Job Offer? One of the most exciting times for a job seeker is the extension of a job offer by...
Winning at Negotiation Time
It is great news for any Job Seeker when the interview process has been completed and an offer is forthcoming. Some...
Know Your On-Board Plan
For too many Job Seekers, the sole focus for them during the search process is to simply find a company that will...

Employed But Looking
Examining Transitional Jobs
In a perfect world all of us would be employed in exactly the position that we desire to have. We all know that...
Advantages of Being a Passive Job Seeker
I realize that many of the readers of are “passive” job seekers. By that I mean you may pick up our paper...
Uh Oh! The Boss Asks You if You’re Looking
A job search is typically something that a person likes to keep pretty confidential from the public. Yet, a person...
Effects of Being Stuck in a Bad Job
There are so many individuals that are stuck in a bad job, but for some reason, don’t jump into the labor market to...
Frustrated with your Job? Maybe it’s You!
The title of this week’s column may seem like blasphemy to some readers. The idea that the current dissatisfaction...
Is a Side Hustle in Your Future?
For many in Western New York, the high inflation we have faced in 2022 has significantly impacted us. For some people,...
Build Yourself a Career Cushion
The latest in a long string of work-related catch phrases is the term “career cushioning”. It is actually a fancy term...
Stop the “Quiet Quitting”
It seems like there is always some new social media craze that results in people doing something that they would...
Reviewing Employment Options due to High Gas Prices
This has certainly been a challenging start to 2022. The positive is that we are finally seeing some light from the...
Don’t Suffer from “Great Resignation” Regret
Much has been made recently of the “Great Resignation” era of the last couple of years. Employees have been leaving...
Signs That it is Time to Leave
During this time of the 2022 “Great Resignation”, you might be working at your job wondering if something is passing...
Are You a Skilled Trade Worker? You’re In Demand!
The pages of are a good reflection that skilled trade work and the need for this type of labor has...
The Notice Rules Have Not Changed
From speaking to other HR Professionals and in my own experience, it appears employees may feel that the rules of...
Do Your Own “Stay Interview”
In the summer of 2021, job seekers have found themselves in an unprecedented situation. A perfect storm of a shrinking...
Should You Stay During the Covid Pandemic?
Determining when is the best time to leave your current position and start a job search or accept an offer is always...
Give Your Resume a “Touch Up”
If you are like most, you probably have not thought much about your resume since it was written. I am sure you spent...
Finding That Critical 2nd Job In Your Career
So much is made of finding your first “real” job after graduating from high school or college. Of course, it is an...
Feeling Stressed Out?
It is hard to define work/life balance or stress. This feeling is really based on the individual and how the person...
Evaluating a Counter Offer From Your Current Employer
Giving notice can often be both exciting and very nerve wrecking. You are excited about your new opportunity, but...
Don’t Tip Them Off That You Are Looking
One of the biggest hurdles the currently employed have to overcome in order to begin his or her job search is the fear...
Dissatisfied with Pay…Go See How Much You Are Worth
In America, I think our national pastime is not baseball, but rather complaining about our pay. We all do it. It...
Can You Stay Too Long At a Company?
Spoiler alert….Yes, you can! For so many years, loyalty and work tenure were both rewarded (more vacation, pension,...
Can Accepting Less Mean More For Both Your Career and Self?
We generally think of obtaining a new job for something more, whether it is additional money or better benefits. ...
Be Sure to Professionally Depart When Leaving
It is the moment that most Job Seekers look forward to and perhaps even fantasize about…resigning from a company. For...
Answering the Exit Interview Question
If you are on the website or reading the weekly paper, you are getting closer to landing your new...

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